- 德国和欧洲的难民政策自从出台以来,一直是媒体及大众关注的焦点,几乎占据了每天的头条。数万民众走上街头,支持和反对着这些政策。大规模游行的背后,为了维护治安和保护人民生命及财产安全,有多少警察默默付出。2016年德国电视二台纪录片《防暴警察的极限》,带你一同走上街头,走进警察的日常。
- Mick and Joey Barrett are brothers who like to spend their time surfing. However, it doesn't pay the bills, so they offer their services to whoever needs it and occasionally get involved with all sort of adventures. In the first season, they worked primarily for Gordon, a man who used to work for the government and who…
- 讲述1991年南斯拉夫人民军与克罗地亚民兵发生武装冲突时,一群克罗地亚难民被迫离开家乡暂居在一个小火车站内,随着形势的恶化、物资的短缺和人员的增加,越来越多的人渴望回到自己的家乡