- The story follows 21 year-old Jesse Martin, who in 1999 became the youngest person ever to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world. On his return he decides to take 4 other young people sailing on a 3 year voyage stopping at the worlds most remote and beautiful places. Dubbed the 'Journey of Young People' t…
- 国内出版:广州市新时代影音公司 ISBN:9787885255305 虫虫夏令营开始了,小朋友们都很高兴,除了臭臭外。臭臭害怕参加夏令营,因为他怕别的小朋友会因为他的臭味而讨厌他。而事实确实如此,没有人愿意和臭臭一起玩或吃饭,因为他实在是太臭了!臭臭不知道上帝为什么创造了他,可是上帝没有告诉他答案,只跟他说自己从不犯错。当哈米和…
- On the night of December 24th, two children sneak out of their bedroom in the hope of seeing 'Santa Claus' when he visits them. When he appears in their living room, they ask him what he does during the rest of the year. So Santa proceeds to tell them all about the Land of Winter, where he lives, the creatures that liv…