搜索 Sean

  • Sean Lock and Jon Richardson, team captains on 8 Out of 10 Cats, are heading out to Louisiana to see how real men live. Down in the bayou they'll be bunking up with Creole cowboys and Cajun swampmen - men who wrestle ‘gators and castrate bulls with their bare hands. They might be titans of the stand-up circuit, but whe…
  • Dr. Leslie Gordon and Dr. Scott Berns fight to save their only son from Progeria, a rare and fatal disease for which there is no treatment or cure. In less than a decade, their work has led to significant advances.
  • 电影剧情
  • COCKYBOYS系列新电影“Love & Lost & Found”2018年4月中旬登场。
  • Communism--the extraordinary social experiment promising equality and freedom which swept from Russia around the world. In the early days, hopes were high, but in the end the story of Communism is on of grim realities. Listen as people from behind the Iron Curtain tell how their lives were affected by this new world or…
  • 电影动作
    为了生存,肯尼(Eric Jacobus 饰)下定决心去医治因十五年前母亲的去世而导致自闭症的弟弟马克(Nathan Hoskins 饰),想要新生活的肯尼希望一切都慢慢好起来。只是没有想到,弟弟再次陷入“黑暗恶势力”的陷阱里,兄弟两个再次被推倒了恶魔的世界,他们可以寻找到真实的自己开始新生活吗?
  • 又是一年万圣节,夜幕降临,万籁俱寂。山脚下只有镜像影院门口还灯火通明。这里正在上映经典名作《音乐之声》,且仅作一夜放映。突然之间,史瑞克(迈克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 配音)痛苦哀号,夺门而出,显然他不喜欢这种温情调调,而更愿意应景地看一些僵尸、木乃伊一类的恐怖电影。为了调侃这位胖朋友,驴子(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy…
  • 三只小猪住在一所大房子中,在它们中间,名叫海姆里克(肖恩·毕肖普 Sean Bishop 配音)最为疑神疑鬼,它经常怀疑镇上的邻居们在做一些不法活动,于是通过各种手段偷窥别人,不仅为他人带来了麻烦,也令自己遭遇各种各样的事故,甚至到了坐轮椅的地步。可即便如此,它依然不改疑心病的本性,这一次海姆里克盯上了新搬来的邻居——一头神色紧张…