- *Shinjuku Mad* was one ofKoji Wakamatsu's six films from 1970. Grim and gritty, stark and steady, burdened with anti-moralizing, generously padded with sex, and totally redeemed by a soundtrack that needs to be released NOW. I knew nothing about this film, loading it up on to my laptop, and every last one of this film'…
- 上野树里在结束大河剧拍摄后,为“テレビ東京”电视台拍摄纪录片,探寻日本樱花的起源。途经尼泊尔-喜马拉雅、中国云南省、冲绳、地震灾区岩手等地,历时半年,行程5400公里,体验各地风土人情,感悟樱花与人的羁绊。
- Set in the northern Algerian port city of Mostaganem. The title refers to the hordes of refugees, the 'Harragas', who smuggle themselves out of the country via any means possible. Here we meet one such group, Rachid, Nasser and Imene who pay a smuggler, Hassan, to take them to Spain in his rickety boat. Along with a gr…
- 木島物理学研究所では、物質の透明化という壮大なテーマを掲げ、日々研究に余念がない。しかし、あまりに突飛なテーマ故に出資者もおらず、研究所は所長の木島を始め、研究員のいつかと雑役婦の邦夫の三人のみ。ひそかにいつかに想いを寄せる邦夫だったが、内気なために声をかけることができない。しかし、妄想の中ではすでにいつかに痴漢行為を…