搜索 Seok

  • 电影剧情
  • One day, you fell from the sky. I never knew loving somebody could bring so much happiness. I see the world differently because of you. I am a different person because you live in my heart.
  • A senior in highschool becomes determined to enter a certain university because of her infatuation with a self-centered baseball player who attends there
  • 雍女是朝鲜最性感的女人,论性技与美貌,世上没有女人是她的对手,同时也没有一个男人能够满足她的热烈欲火。雍女的费洛蒙像是爆发的长白山,魅惑了身边所有男人的心智,让他们嗑了再多高丽人参也难逃精尽人亡的淫劫!太过性感的罪刑,就是遭到其他女人的攻讦,雍女被迫离开家乡,孤苦无依的她内心寂寞,直到遇上天赋异禀的奇男子卞岗。
  • 电视剧爱情
  • 爱豆料理王
  • 残忍的杀戮在露营地展开,这一切源自于一个被诅咒的面具。这副面具辗转穿梭于每个角色,将唤醒他们最深沉的欲望。本片内容涵盖恐怖、性喜剧甚至是音乐剧,将令观众深陷其中。
  • 柬埔寨,金邊。喜愛跳舞的卡妮塔,在各式打工中迴旋來去,騎著機車在城市日夜晃蕩。家中,父親長臥病榻,母親催促婚嫁。現實與夢難辨,生活猶如一張風格各異的demo帶,有時迷離,有時清醒。當她再次迎風出發,明亮的日光映入眼簾。未完成的父女之情,映照粼粼河水。孤獨之舞,能否航向最美好的那支旋律?(台北電影節手冊)
  • Hak-jin and Mi-sun spend a happy honeymoon on Jeju Island. But power hungry Hak-jin, leaves Mi-sun and gets remarried to a wealthy corporate chairman's only daughter. Mi-sun begins to work in a kisaeng (courtesan) house. Hak-jin runs into Mi-sun while having dinner with his colleagues and finds himself feeling guilty. …