搜索 Seon

  • Byeong-tae, the producer, leaves for India saying he wants to see the real of it and delinquent director Choi flies to India after him. Han-na fails to get a job and groundlessly leaves for India. Soon-yeong leaves the house where her husband and son don't care about her and heads for India.Byeong-tae and Choi are film…
  • Rise Above follows one guy and his girlfriend's mother as they make an ascent of Saraoreum, a volcanic mountain with a lake at the summit. T wo people meet for the first time in strangely uncomfortable circumstances which become clear during their ascent. They start to talk and share their memories and thoughts about a…
  • 남매인 천재영, 천유선은 아버지 천종식에게 특별한 칠순 기념 잔치를 마련해 주기 위해,맞춤 희곡 극단으로 찾아가 일명 ‘당신을 위한 맞춤 희곡’을 의뢰한다.단장은 천종식 본인과 그 외 주변 인물들과의 인터뷰를 통해 자료를 수집하고,천종식을 주인공으로 하는 맞춤희곡을 창작하게 된다.맞춤 희곡 속에서, 천종식은 허구와 실제,…
  • 电影剧情
  • 因无能力爸爸养不起家庭,家庭走斜坡路,父母离婚的京秀之家....
  • SYNOPSISDischarged philosophy professor Kim Jin-woo is a talented man who is smarter than the people around him. Professor Kim grew up under unfortunate circumstances. Due to the mental pressure and stress from his childhood, he shows signs of schizophrenia. He thinks of himself as a speeding horse on a racetrack. Worr…
  • 不良高校生グループのリーダーと新しく赴任してきた女性教師との許されぬ恋の行方を描く学園青春ラブ・ストーリー。不良グループのメンバーの一人として出演したペ・ヨンジュンの実質的な映画デビュー作として、製作から10年を経た2005年、韓流ブームの中、本邦初公開となった。   高校陸上選手のピルグは、不良グループのリーダーでもあり、…