搜索 Seong

  • A movie about the love and parting of two youths who meet the reality of employment after graduation.
  • Ho-je remarried Hyeon-ah. He thinks wives and girlfriends are different things and refuses to sleep with Hyeon-ah. Although she's upset, she keeps it in for the sake of his wealth and comforts herself with hosts, but she's still feeling empty inside. Meanwhile, Ho-je's daughter Ho-yeon feels something strange between h…
  • Synopsis  Do-seong (Yoo Min) is a child monk who lives at a small mountain temple with the head monk (Byeon Ki-jong), learning the teachings of Buddha. He becomes attached to a young widow (Choi Eun-hee) who comes to pray at the temple, an…
  • 1966年出版的连载小说《末班车来的客人》在当时颇受年轻人欢迎。作者洪胜源虽然将该作定位为通俗小说,然而身患绝症的主人公内心的绝望感以及周围人物之间的纠葛及彷徨,使得该小说成为一部水准较高的作品。六十年代拍摄了多部佳作的俞贤慕导演出于对这部小说的喜爱,将其搬上了荧幕。俞贤慕邀请了当时极具人气的女演员文姬担当女主角。男主人公…
  • 电影剧情
    Anaïs a trente ans et pas assez d’argent. Elle a un amoureux qu’elle n’est plus sûre d’aimer. Elle rencontre Daniel, à qui tout de suite elle plaît. Mais Daniel vit avec Emilie… qui plaît aussi à Anaïs. C’est l’histoire d’une jeune femm…
  • 根据缅甸籍在韩务工者苏拉(Thura)的个人传记改编。透过的视角,揭露了韩国针对外来务工者的种种苛刻条款与不公待遇,以及他作为社会少数群体所承受的生活重压。相较之下,童年的美好回忆、故土的淳朴乡情,还有那里连绵雨季所结下的“雨的果实”都让他无比思念。苏拉把尖刻的社会问题以诗意的字句呈现,将一切娓娓道来,平淡温柔的叙述更引人…
  • 电影恐怖
    Yoo-ra suffers from nightmares every night. One day she meets her high school friends. Jin-tae is a promising artist, In-seok is a chaebol and former thug, Hye-jin likes In-seok, and Seong-ho, who used to be In-seok's errand boy, finally meet up. Yoo-ra asks her friends if they remember the classmate that killed hersel…
  • 电视剧
    本季故事发生在首季的78年后。首尔,2024年。尹采玉(韩韶禧 饰)遇见长相酷似张泰尚的张浩载(朴叙俊 饰),悬而未决的谜团揭晓,命运又会如何捉弄两人?
  • Continuing the story of the film, Prince Yeonsan, Yeonsan's grief and dissipated life leads him to become a cruel tyrant, ordering the decapitation of the court members who advised the deposition of his mother. Plans are made for his deposition.