搜索 Serge

  • 2005年在荷兰大卖的电影《恐怖上学路》,为我们描述一个孩子在小说中构建的恐怖世界,然而为了阻止同学被吸血鬼杀害,奥诺瓦尔只能努力改写故事的结局。
  • 一老一少两个在北极冰原上驻站的气象学家除了要面对令人冻僵的天气还要学着处理一样僵持的关系,这样一个现代版的传奇故事发生在一个坐落在北极Chukotka岛的气象站,那是俄罗斯几乎最北靠东部的一个自治区。即使是在夏季岛上的唯一两个临时居民——在这里呆了很久的技术人员Sergei (Sergei Puskepalis饰演, 他还是演过阿列克谢-普斯科帕里斯基…
  • The first Zanzibar film, Détruisez-vous takes its title from an oft-repeated '68 slogan (“Aidez-nous, détruisez-vous”) and its lead from Godard's La Chinoise, Warhol's Factory, and the French Revolution. A drop-out from Nanterre Universit…
  • 一个小小的村落,一名4岁的小女孩目睹了一个小男孩死亡的过程。但是她的父亲禁止她说出真相。沉重的心理负担让小女孩和整个村落都陷入了某种不安……
  • Serge Gainsbourg: Live 1986 Casino de Paris
  • To the bright memory of Sergei Parajanov...(this film was made at Hayk studio in Yerevan (Armenia) in 1995; written and directed by Andrei Ayrapetov, for his Diploma work). It contains rare footage of Parajanov just months before his death...
  • 斯大林的逝世和葬礼。Tronfio e retorico come si addice ad un film di propaganda politica quale questo è, "Il grande addio", realizzato da alcuni ottimi registi sovietici su impulso delr egime, offre alcuni spunti di riflessione. Il pri…
  • After a true story about the big love between a female writer and a painter on the colourful and isolated Volga island Sviyazhsk not far from the Tatar capital Kazan.Svetka has two almost grown-up sons, but she has never known love. Her husband who used to beat her up has died from drinking too much. She is looking for…