- This is a large-scale canvass depicting life in the Solovetsky monastery. What does the spiritual life of man signify? what is religious tradition and how does it relate to the modern world? how does faith influence human life? the solovetsky islands are a milestone in the spiritual geography of russia. they are marked…
- THE CLINCH is a coming-of-age series about real adolescence, about moments in life when young people on the threshold of adulthood complete high school and become university students or find jobs, and start to fulfil or become disappointed with their ambitions. It is a period when life starts slapping us down and we mu…
- Three tales, three ages, three worlds. At the time of Ancient Egypt, a young king becomes the first black pharaoh to deserve the hand of his loved one. During the French Middle Ages, a mysterious wild boy steals from the rich to give to the poor. In the 18th century Turkey, a prince of pastries and a princess of roses …
- 发生在俄罗斯广袤疆域上六座城市的六个小故事平行展开,并以下面这个故事作为其间的串联。在俄罗斯飞地加里宁格勒的一所孤儿院中,一名孤儿编造了一个关于自己那不存在的父亲的天花乱坠的故事。在谎言被其他孤儿们毫不留情的拆穿之后,她干脆宣称,事实上她的爸爸是俄罗斯总统。不管听上去有多么荒唐,又天真又狡猾的众孤儿们没有立即攻击她的大…