- This film tells a mysterious story set in a run-down house where an old and weird lady lives alone. Until one day, a little girl steps inside the house and never comes back. The girl seems to be locked inside the house for 8 days. No one knows what is going on in the house except for a young doctor who witnesses everyt…
- "An odd duo that raises international mass hysteria and has been creating a credible sound for years now - Modeselektor seems to be a phenomenon in itself. The search for the origin of this phenomenon leads us into the depths of the biographies of two kids born and raised in East Germany, whose creativity, enthusi…
- THEBIGCHILLmeetsTHEGRADUATE.Whatcouldhavebeen?Whatmighthavebeen?Reunionscanbeexciting,frustrating,exhilarating,nostalgic,onelifegivenovertopracticalitywhileanotherchaseslostdreams.Setagainstthemajesticlandscapeofthedesert,threeestrangedfriendsandformerbandmates"celebrate"turning30,carryingtheirhopes,unresolvedwoundsand…
- On 13 September 1940, 80,000 Italian troops marched into Egypt to threaten the epicentre of the British Empire at a critical point in the Second World War.By 1942, the desert skirmish in North Africa had become pivotal to what was by then a truly global conflict, with hundreds of thousands of men from over ten nations …