- The movie tells the story of a party of Westerners who fall into the clutches of a renegade Chinese warlord, Wu Ynfang, played by Boris Karloff, anticipating his Mr. Wong series at Monogram Studios later in the decade. Like his Bad Man antecedents, Fang's characterization is semicomic. He turns out to be essentially ho…
- 【STORY】这是一部原创作品,讲述的是一名拥有“WishAngel”能力的高一少女,为了实现别人的梦想而加入女子应援部,可这个部却面临废部危机,虽然如此她仍然努力替人打气的故事。【STAFF】企划:佐藤顺一、encourage Film原作:佐藤顺一编剧:吉田玲子角色设计:渡边初视觉设计:追崎史敏