搜索 Shaun

  • DominatrixWithoutMercy
  • Every town has a devil. For the small community of Braxton, that devil is Tommy Miller. A bullied and tormented teen who finally snapped, killing his friends and family at the annual Braxton town hall party, Miller escaped into the woods, never to be seen or heard from again. Until now. Ten years later, a group of fres…
  • 电影
  • 40 Below and Falling tells the story of Kate Carter, a teacher from a small, Northern Canadian town, who is moving back to the big city for her wedding. After quitting her job and packing up her life, Kate feels certain that this is the future she has always wanted - that is until her flight gets cancelled by a blizzar…
  • 女巫血祭是一部謀殺、吸毒、神秘的影片。它受到60年代和70年代推廣的意大利恐怖片類型影響,這些恐怖片大師有達里奧阿根和盧西奧富爾,對於傑森和妮姬本應是場簡單的交易:在廢棄的倉庫中買毒品後殺掉賣家,然後將毒品賣出後拿取現金。但是毒品交易卻不如計畫,同時傑森也消失匿跡;妮姬跟惡毒的前軍事執法者、槍傷者、暴力的毒癮者和三名人質困…
  • 西蒙•比尤利,常被称为奥古斯汀修道院长,在二十世纪六十年代经营着女子修道院学校。她将这座小修道院变为一个音乐殿堂,其学生在当地取得了非常优异的音乐成绩。当她天生聪颖却叛逆的侄女加入女修道院并且政府威胁要关闭学校以促进公共教育时,她遭遇了严重的打击。她和她的同伴必须与现代潮流去抗争,奥古斯汀修道院长自己也必须找寻其灵魂的…
  • Two strangers find their lives colliding in an impossible way. Alex is a methodical cargo thief working for a dangerous cartel. Sam is a determined paramedic trying to save the world while running from her past.
  • 变形金刚领袖之证第二季
    故事讲述两派来到地球后,因为发生了一些“事件”,导致双方外形大变(也解释了两系列风格不同的原因)。也由于这些“事件”,变形金刚要隐藏于人类社会之中。如何去平衡一切关系是擎天柱作为领袖将要面临的考验,本作品的标题也由此而来。值得一提的是,本次两派领袖 擎天柱 和 威震天 的配音者是久违的梦幻组合:来自初代动画的 Peter Cu…
  • 齐普赛的隐秘宝藏
    In 1912, workmen demolishing a building in London's Cheapside district made an extraordinary discovery - a dazzling hoard of nearly 500 Elizabethan and Jacobean jewels. For the first time since its discovery, all the pieces from this priceless treasure trove were on display at the Museum of London in an exhibition in O…