- 杰姬·贾斯蒂斯(哈莉·贝瑞饰)是一名综合格斗选手,但她不光彩地退出了这项运动。在那场格斗之后的数年里,她一直不太走运,终日在愤恨和懊悔中度过,最后被经纪人兼男友德西(阿丹·坎托饰)劝去参加一场残酷的地下格斗,并吸引了格斗联盟组织者(沙米尔·安德森饰)的注意,他承诺会让杰姬重回八角笼。但当曼尼(小丹尼·博伊德饰)出现在她…
- A self-loathing ,aging hitman, Keele (50s), is tasked to kill a witness who can finger him and his partner, Palmer (30s), in a recent murder. Keele soon learns his new mark, Peyton (20s), might be his estranged daughter. Conflicted, Keele figures he can’t pull the trigger until he’s certain so he abducts Peyton in an a…