- A mysterious guitar player offers to save a rural area from the swarm of locusts threatening to wreak havoc on the region's crops. When the mayor refuses to pay after the crops are saved, the "Guitarman" drives all the local children away until the town realizes the kids are really their most precious resourc…
- Walking to Maryland is the latest addition to Ascension Entertainment's collection of motion pictures. Join us as we follow two people through life, a life where anything is possible and at any given second, it all can change for the better or the worse. Sometimes we have to lose it all before we can really have anythi…
- 在群雄逐鹿、狼烟四起的年代,Shawn Michaels以其瘦小的身子打出一片天地。自幼对摔角的狂热,令他的前途虽坎坷却明朗。不满足于平静校园的他很快走上职业摔角手的道路,他最早经墨西哥摔跤手Jose Lothario的指点,以MSW和AWA为起点,不断磨练自己。最初的“午夜摇滚小子”(Midnight Rockers),和好友Marty Jannetty一道成为最…