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  • 在这个性向反转的平行世界,同性恋是正常,异性恋才是异端另类。每个孩子都是两个爸爸或两个妈妈抚养长大。小女孩艾什丽(Lexi DiBenedetto 饰)就出生在这样的一个平凡家庭。然而她很小就发现自己与众不同——她喜欢男生,而这和她受到的全部教育相左。由于被同学发现她是异性恋,她成为耻笑和欺凌的目标。她承受的压力如此之大,以至于最终选…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影剧情
    伊莎贝尔(玛丽恩·瓦斯 Marine Vacth 饰)是一名17岁的妙龄女孩,拥有着靓丽容貌和美好肉体的她对“性”有着一番独特的见解。一次偶然中,伊莎贝尔遇见了一位游客,就这样,她寥寥草草地献出了自己的处女之身,之后,伊莎贝尔在探索“性”的道路上一路走远。在网络上出售自己的性感照片、利用肉体换取金钱,在做着这些勾当的同时,伊莎贝尔依旧…
  • 电影
    该剧根据令人难以置信的真实故事改编,讲述巴西渔夫若昂(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)在巴西海岸偏远的岛屿海滩上救下了浑身沾满石油、濒临死亡的企鹅丁·迪姆(Din Dim)。
  • When Harold, the convinced Atheist, gets a surprise visit from Christian the Bible thumper, his life immediately gets complicated and dramatic. But can Christian guide Harold to finish his remodeling project and thereby help him in get his wife Eva back? Hell hath no fury as a scorned Atheist.
  • A government witness is locked inside an experimental halfway house with six violent criminals. With no way out, this safe haven soon becomes a bloody slaughterhouse of violence. In a retro...@艾米电影网
  • A foul-mouthed, unemployed air guitar enthusiast moonlights as a UFOlogist. He stumbles across the most important case of alien visitation since Roswell - unfortunately.
  • In the form of a weekly talk show, liberal comedian, Moshe Kasher, discusses and examines the most divisive issues of modern society with a particular focus on the never ending polarization in the online community.
  • 电影动画
    影片讲述玻璃匠夏尔洛(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin饰)和弃婴(杰基·考甘 Jackie Coogan饰)之间一段笑中有泪的感人故事。夏尔洛在垃圾箱旁发现了一个弃婴并收养了他。等到孩子长到四五岁的时候,就已经非常懂事。两父子合演双簧,儿子打碎玻璃,父亲就上 前更换玻璃从而养家糊口。夏尔洛带着“儿子”躲避警察的追捕,以免他被送入孤儿院。…
  • A young woman gets involved with an awkward young man but soon they find out that neither are who or what they say they are.