搜索 Sheri

  • Harold is a tour bus driver. While visiting a good friend in a trendy Hollywood cafe, Harold spots his favorite actress, Amanda Clark. She is with her agent Sidney Stone who is repeatedly getting up to make phone calls. When Harold sees Amanda sitting alone, he decides to introduce himself. Instructed not to mention hi…
  • 玛利亚出生在一个贫穷的家庭之中,父亲毫无一家之主的风范,沉迷于酒精之中,家中全部的重担都落在了玛利亚的肩上。一次偶然中,圣地亚哥邂逅了活泼乐观的玛利亚,后者给他留下了深深的印象。圣地亚哥一直怀疑是自己的婶婶马尔维纳害死了父亲,于是他决定利用玛利亚来复仇。在圣地亚哥的设计之下,玛利亚和他携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,没过多久,圣…
  • Five college kids have their Thanksging break ruined by a homicidal turkey.
  • based on the best-selling novel by author Dorothy Allison and directed by Lisa Cholodenko (High Art, Laurel Canyon), Cavedweller tells the touching tale of a mother's remarkable will to carry on following the death of her second husband. After fleeing from her abusive first husband (Aidan Quinn) and leaving her two dau…
  • A woman dressed garishly in bubble-gum colors conducts an opinion survey about bubble gum consumer habits at a street market. Her interviewee, a girl of six or seven, is in turn determined, convinced, engaged, skeptical, annoyed, and distracted by other, more important things.
  • 罗思拉(Kelly Sheridan 配音)天真可爱善良迷人,一场可怕的海难之中,她成为了幸存者流落到了一座荒岛之上还失了忆,险恶的环境之下,一直以来衣食无忧的罗思拉能够生存下去吗?幸运的是,这座岛上居住了一群友善的动物朋友们,在小熊猫、大象宝宝和孔雀的帮助之下,罗思拉生活的很快乐。一次偶然中,罗思拉遇见了一位王子。王子深深的为罗思…
  • 谁是鲁比?据说他是个普通商人,在肯尼迪遇刺后,被怀疑为凶手的李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔多在受审押送时,鲁比开枪打死了他。而后鲁比在狱中被诊断得了绝症,很快死去,肯尼迪一案就此失去了最后的线索,本片正是推测鲁比涉入的阴谋。