- This is a story of a tribal couple coping with the loss of their daughter in the Uranium Mining area in the state of Jharkhand, India. The story also highlights how deeply tribal groups are connected to the forest, their culture and each other. This film has captured vivid colours of their festivals, togetherness and f…
- A group of friends go fishing to geta away from town an relax a bit in the countryside. The new members of the group do not behave according to expectations and the trip goes to Hell in a very efficient manner due to old sins.
- 哈莉·贝瑞将主演Netflix科幻片[母舰](The Mothership,暂译),并担任该片执行制片人。该片由[间谍之桥]编剧马特·查曼自编自导。故事讲述莎拉·莫尔斯(贝瑞饰演)的丈夫从他们的乡村农场神秘失踪,一年后,她在家中的地下发现了一个奇怪的外星生物,莎拉和她的孩子们开始寻找她的丈夫,也就是孩子的爸爸,以及挖掘事情的真相。该片是马特·查曼…
- 韩星本来是香港的一名警察,但他的家族却掌管着美国一个华人犯罪集团,势力庞大。一次韩星为了替父亲顶罪,丢掉了工作,进入了香港的监狱服刑。服刑期间,韩星突然得知自己的亲生弟弟的死讯,悲痛不已的他成功越狱前往了美国寻找弟弟的死亡真相。所有的人都告诉韩星,弟弟的死是和他们家族对立的黑人帮派造成的,但韩星却隐隐觉得别有内情,于是…