- One year after the unresolved murder of his wife, Shinji receives a mysterious message putting him on track of the assassin. He follows his revenge instinct and disappears into the darkness of Tokyo where he meets a young woman on the lam. During that night, they come across yakuza and lost souls, and their lives chang…
- Quite upset by the actions of the violent serial murderer are both the department's coroner, Kyoko, and Natsumi, the second victim's pimp. Natsumi demands retribution; Kyoko just wants to get away from this nightmare. Later that night, at home, Kyoko sleeps, unaware that she is being stalked by the murderer. The killer…
- 这是超人和蝙蝠侠第一次见面时的故事。哥谭市的Joker打劫了一家商店,得到了一条玉龙。他带着那条其实是氪石做的玉龙去找大都会的Lex Luthor,要求以杀死超人为条件换得100万美元。这时候,Bruce Wayne也来到大都会,查看之前和Luthor集团合作的成果。于是,大都会的英雄和哥谭市的黑暗骑士见面了。初见是互不信任的,更令Clark Kent…
- 人造人沙鲁战役过后,地球终于迎来了宝贵的和平,而骗子撒旦作为拯救了世界的英雄受到全人类的爱戴。世界首富钱多多为了给宝贝儿子庆生,出巨资举行了新一届的天下第一比武大会,成功晋级的选手有望和钱多多请来的四名所谓的外星人对决,最终获胜者还可以得到挑战撒旦的殊荣。此外,胜利者将得到一亿元奖金和环游世界的机会。超高的荣誉和报酬,…