- Somewhere in the Indian state of Kerala, a theatre company prepares for its performance during festivities. They arrive early, rehearse their piece, and put the finishing touches to the scenery. This alternates with atmospheric scenes of men rehearsing, singing, and perfecting choreographies at a remote location in nat…
- The world is in crisis as it misses target after target to stop climate change. The Green New Deal has captured the imagination of millions with its visionary promise for systemic economic and environmental change that will build a better and more just world. In this moment of political upheaval with clashes in the str…
- Saladin K. Patterson负责剧本的未命名多镜头喜剧项目改编自牧师Touré及Sarah Roberts的现实经历,剧中讲述Omari(Leslie Odom Jr.饰演)及Hope在主持教会的同时,还得应付家中四个孩子。
- 《银翼杀手》出动画了!AdultSwim(《瑞克和莫蒂》)宣布将推出《银翼杀手——黑莲花》(BladeRunner—BlackLotus),一部总长13个小时的日本动画风剧集,阵容豪华:SolaDigitalArts(《奥特曼》)制作,荒牧伸志和神山健治这对《攻壳机动队》搭档执导第一季全部集数,渡边信一郎(《星际牛仔》)任创意制作人。剧情尚保密,但故事将发生在2032年,…
- Harold Washington was elected Chicago's first African-American mayor in 1983, narrowly overcoming a Republican opponent who's campaign slogan was "Before It's Too Late." Once elected, the normally docile Chicago City Council rebelled. A virtually all-white majority bloc refused to pass any legislation or appr…