搜索 Shiva

  • Chandra Mukhi (Sridevi), a princess of a heavenly kingdom reached Earth in search of her Magical leaf meets Raja Rai (Salman Khan) and how she influence the life of him and of course, hers form the Climax.
  • 电影校园
    故事发生在1921年的英格兰,在一战中所经历的失败令压抑而又沉痛的气氛笼罩了在全国上下。弗洛伦斯(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)是一位打假义士,正义感极强的她将戳穿谎言揭露真相视为己任,她不相信世间有鬼魂存在,存在的只有险恶的人心。  在一所男子寄宿学校中,盛传着闹鬼的传闻,在人们口中,一个非正常死亡的男孩的鬼魂终日徘徊在…
  • 电影剧情
  • Avinash(Anil Kapoor) went to Calcutta for no reason. After meeting with Reema (Rani Mukherjee), he starts having flashbacks about his past and his son. His inquiries take him to Bombay via the Calcutta Mail, and this is where he will find out whether his son is alive or not, or he has been trapped.
  • 电影喜剧
    Saahil和他的那帮朋友都是一帮在校青少年,拥有自己的那份乐趣和恶作剧。 Saahil有一个名为蒂亚的女朋友。 在暑假期间,他和他的朋友介绍给新的戏剧表演老师。 她决定让他们做一出戏。 所有组中的男孩爱上她的美丽和人 。 但其Saahil谁得到最被她吸引。 慢慢地,他意识到他不可能想得到她。 由于该剧排练下去,他傻傻地开始幻想着自己和她在一起…
  • Professor Vidyashankar Pandey gets employed as a lecturer in a college and relocates to Bombay. His family, - his wife, and a young son, Surya, move to a chawl in South Bombay. Vidyashankar notices that the area and the community is being controlled by notorious gangster, Raja, and his men, and does not want this to im…
  • The State's Chief Minister, after being questioned by a reporter, Pugazhendi, challenges him to accept the position for a day, and see for himself the challenges that face him. Pugazhendi accepts the challenge, and immediately sets about to tour the region, suspend and prosecute corrupt officials, arrest several politi…
  • 银行经理凯拉什·纳特(Kailash Nath)和银行监督员尚卡尔·达亚尔·库拉纳(Shankar Dayal Khurana)是朋友。Kailash让他的儿子Kishan嫁给Dayal的女儿Sanam。不幸的是,婚礼后,卡伊拉什遭遇车祸,被认为已经死亡;但在现实中幸存下来,被逮捕,并被判长期监禁,罪名是从银行盗窃巨额资金。在服刑数年后,Kailash发现了Dayal是如何诬陷…
  • Thakur Ajit Singh 是一个富裕和正统的人,住在一个豪华的房子。他认为,妇女应该始终是在室内,并不会干扰业务以外的房子。他知道了唯一的女儿Radha爱上了一个可怜而穷小子,名叫Shyam。他坚决反对这门亲事,但Radha很坚定。