搜索 Shun

  • 曾经的孤儿、如今的浪子Gena,跟着黑帮老大飘盪度日,穿梭在俄罗斯、立陶宛、波兰和法国等地,进行各式犯罪勾当,敲诈、勒索、走私、贩毒全都来。原以为一生就这麽样下去,没想到却在此时遇到一个女孩,于是Gena 的人生剧本急转直下,他决定要干最后一票,然后远走高飞,和心爱的人 过着平凡快乐的日子。可是,真正的挑战和艰难,却是从此刻才正…
  • 在阳光明媚的一天,大熊巴尼驾车来到了杰里史通国家公园。他开着一辆红色的小跑车,身后有一只装得满满的篮子。不远处一头饥饿的熊趴在树梢上,他用望远镜发现巴尼熊的到来,当然更令它感兴趣的是车后面的篮子,显然里面装了很多美味的食物。瘦熊大喜过望,连忙做好准备迎接巴尼熊的到来。毫不知情的大熊将车停在了一处露营地,他摆放好食物后开…
  • After a true story about the big love between a female writer and a painter on the colourful and isolated Volga island Sviyazhsk not far from the Tatar capital Kazan.Svetka has two almost grown-up sons, but she has never known love. Her husband who used to beat her up has died from drinking too much. She is looking for…
  • Named best film at the 2009 Moscow International Film Festival, [Pete on the Way to Heaven] pivots on a young, somewhat mentally impaired man who lives his life pretending to be a local traffic cop. Everyone in town humors him in his harmless pursuit, until things take a turn for the serious when a convict escapes from…
  • 影片由“冬”“早春”“春节”三个部分构成:内蒙古海拉尔的风雪中套马,大马车拉着皮、毛在风雪中奔驰,沙漠中驼队在运输,小羊羔在母羊身边吃奶,孩子们在打雪仗的,一家玻璃窗上一位小姑娘吹化的冰花;乍暖还寒的雾蒙蒙的太湖上,鸭子在嬉戏,飘浮着的船只,湖边春暖花开;春节前孩子们放风筝,耍龙舞、吹糖人、表演“双推磨”,大娘烧团圆饭…
  • Anne, une jeune femme active, a eu trois enfants : Julien, Clémentine et Victor, nés de trois pères différents qu'ils n'ont jamais vus. Le jour de l'anniversaire du plus jeune, Victor, celui-ci demande à connaître enfin son père... Sa gra…