搜索 Sick

  • Justin Nowell / United States of America / 2007 / 12 minsAmanda has a fever. Ken is horny.Amanda has a fever. Ken is horny.
  • Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon that featured as a regular segment of the television series The Huckleberry Hound Show from 1958 to 1961.
  • DVD Track listing"The Third Reich 'n' Roll""Constantinople""Mositure""Perfect Love""The Act of Being Polite""The Simple Song""Kick a Picnic""Songs for Swinging Larvae""He Also Serves""It's a Man's Man's Man's World""…
  • 詹尼和瑞克离婚后,一直郁郁寡欢。虽然瑞克是个不称职的丈夫,经常为了事业而忽略家庭,可詹尼仍然对其旧情难忘。詹尼的母亲泰斯将一切都看在眼里,很为女儿的将来发愁。后来泰斯通过网络交友服务,找到了一个感觉应该和女儿很配的男人。对方是个文学教授,泰斯跟他非常有共同语言。然而随着两人了解的加深,泰斯发现自己竟然爱上了这个原本为女…
  • 电影恐怖
    在泰国曼谷的美帕斯医院里,生活着一群看似无忧无虑的青年男女。英俊帅气的霍医生年轻有为,备受瞩目。他手下有七名性格各异但美艳绝伦的护士:泰安(Chon Wachananon 饰)性感出众,和霍医生出双入对;诺克(Chidjan Rujiphun 饰)是泰安的妹妹,却与霍医生暧昧不清,一心想为对方生孩子;艾依疯狂迷恋时尚,痴迷各种品牌;乔儿嗜食如命,却仍…
  • The fate of the youngest scouts - "Zawiszakow" - as shown through the history of two brothers, their struggle and war exile escaped from the camp jenieckiego, finished back to the devastated capital, where they do not already meet their parents. Brothers Peter and Wojtek found after the collapse of the Warsaw…
  • 筱田正浩导演一向追求理性的题材和电影画面的美感,长期处于日本电影界的先锋地位。他自称为“最后的作品”—历史大作《间谍佐尔格》将于14日公映。该片以“战争”、“日本”为主题,加上电影技术等,可以说是融入了筱田导演近年电影的集大成。      冷静地观察日本      《间谍佐尔格》这部影片是以即将进入第二次世界大战中的日本为主…