搜索 Sick

  • About a young boy's passion for horses, his paralysis from polio, and subsequent triumph over his handicap by learning to ride. Village life of the period (just before World War I) is well evoked, and the boy's relationship to his wastrel father, anxious mother, and the somewhat scornful village kids is treated with so…
  • 乔是一位住在科罗拉多州山区的农场主。他的儿子假释出狱回到他身边,乔的孤独生活被打断了,恶运也从此开始。乔虽然过着孤独的生活,但他并不需要任何人的同情,丧偶多年的乔在日常的农场劳动中度过每一天,直到他听到儿子迪伦假出狱的消息。迪伦是一个好孩子,但坏运气却总与他相伴,但迪伦从不和父亲谈论这一切。父子俩开始尝试不同的交流方式…
  • After a hotel reservation mix up, two sisters Karen and Jennifer, and their friend Vicki Thompson, meet a friendly, but shady character named Ernest Keller. Ernest convinces the women into accepting an invitation for cheap room and board at his large farmhouse where his wife Virginia also lives. Once there, Jennifer an…
  • 当Mark,Parker,Melissa和Karen(两男两女) 决定在Pleasant Point这个小镇露营时,她们发现这里并不简单,其中包括一连串的残忍谋杀案。后来Melissa被患了精神病的医生绑走了,他认为Melissa是他去世的妻子回来找他,3个朋友必须和当地的警方联手来救Melissa,以及找出那个杀手,并且在身心到达能忍受的恐怖极限前逃命......
  • In the historic melting pot of 19th century New York City, Fievel and the Mousekewitz family are struggling to make their American dream come true. But when a mysterious treasure map leads Fievel and his friends to a secret world of Native American mice living beneath the city, he finds something even more precious tha…
  • A man documents his girlfriend's 35th birthday on his phone. What he captures throughout the night are the most disturbing human acts imaginable.
  • KillMeToday,TomorrowI'mSick!
    这是一个关于人性的悲喜剧。1999年的普里什蒂纳,由于北约轰炸塞尔维亚,科索沃的阿尔巴尼亚人得以庆祝他们对塞尔维亚人的胜利,伴随着种族仇恨的盛行。国际援助组织派出数千工作人员帮助科索沃建设民主社会。年轻的德国人Anna(Karin Hanczewski饰)满怀理想主义和对民主建设的热忱,来到了这片土地。Husler Plaka是一位被遣返的波斯尼亚人…
  • LosAngelesisabouttobehitbyadevastatingearthquake,andtimeisrunningouttosavethecityfromimminentdanger.
  • 电影剧情
    环球影业购得Anna Wiener所著未出版回忆录《恐怖谷》(Uncanny Valley)的电影改编权,该项目很抢手,投标战十分激烈。资深制片人迈克·德·鲁卡(《社交网络》《点球成金》《五十度灰》系列)和伊丽莎白·班克斯&马克斯·汉德尔曼(《完美音调》系列)将共同担任制片人。该书纪录了Wiener如何从出版业进入到科技产业,描绘她的工作生活。
  • A serial killer is purposely released from an asylum for the criminally insane so that he can continue his rampage.