- 《感恩节杀戮3》:奇葩小片的二度恶搞还记得2009年那部奇葩小片《感恩节杀戮》吗?那个长了一张鸟嘴的神似火鸡的怪物,会开车会砍人还奸杀了一个妹子的这只怪物在2009年的感恩节里可拉风了一把。今年感恩节它又踏着《感恩节杀戮3》杀回来了,近期曝光的这支限制级预告片里,火鸡怪人举着电锯“火眼金睛”凶神恶煞有没有让你闻风丧胆?!很多影迷…
- 三女参加了5届,女性的“性类”一个女性的性治疗师的带领下,希望能解决他们之间的关系问题。沙龙和她的丈夫把自己的职业生涯之前,他们的性生活。布鲁克和她的丈夫只有具备良好的战斗性生活后。黛比有一个伟大的性生活,除了她的男人还是嫁作他人妇的小问题。教练娜塔莉关系,心理治疗和心理性的“功课”的妇女。每个人的关系到底是什么?
- 大都会歌剧院高清转播系列,瓦格纳的四联剧《尼伯龙人的指环》,前夜剧《莱茵的黄金》在2011年10月8日首度向全美直播,此次直播的录像在2013年11月底在上海大剧院以及上海艺术人文频道进行剧场放映和电视播出。
- Dora is the daughter of the owner of the El Trapiche Hacienda. Shortly before her marriage to the heir of a nearby estate, she travels to the USA where she meets Leonardo with whom she falls passionately in love. She returns home to find that her father had mortgaged his property to pay for her trip and is now deeply i…
- Tatort: Season 1, Episode 751Poor little Rolf Herken sees his carreer going downhill as caring for his autistic son becomes more trying each day. So one evening he shows up at the manor of rich Reinhard Staupen to convince him, to let his son join the Staupen's program for special kids. He argues that Herken's forebear…