- A former soldier is released from prison on the eve of the world's destruction. Tasked with a mission that would seemingly save mankind, his traumatic past comes back to haunt him as the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
- An anonymous high school student tracks down a high school teen hacker to humiliate his bully, getting him kicked out of the football team before state championship, but turns around when the FBI takes the move on them quick.
- 当社会每况愈下,人心不古,纷争迭起之际,人与人之间已经失去起码的诚信与尊重,由此导致了争端四起。在此危急时刻,奥莉弗(梅伊•奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)走入人山人海的会场,通过电台向全国呼吁找回人与人之间兄弟般的关爱(Brotherly Love),停止争斗。她载歌 载舞,还不忘提醒在收音机旁的男友大力水手卜派(杰克•梅瑟 Jack …
- Newly appointed Sheriff Kelly Jarvis quickly realizes the dried-up town of Golden Torch is past the point of saving. After a questionable shooting, resulting in two deaths, Kelly finds himself in the middle of a string of related murders. Instead of answers, Kelly's investigation only uncovers more questions. What is w…
- Wrongly accused of having killed her boss and set fire to the factory she worked in, Jeanne Fortier, a young window, is given a life sentence. Twenty years later, She escapes from prison, adopts a new identity, determined to clear her name and to discover the real culprit.