搜索 Sill

  • A young student invites a couple of actors to help him in a film school exercise. You have to make a film without cuts or editing, so put your camera on steady.One of the actresses is Virginia, an older woman, who still thinks she got it and is ready for one more romp.
  • Beautiful Vicky decides to help his aunt Velma save it from bankruptcy business – driving school. With the support of two other friends, Marcy and Tracy, the girls begin to act. They are not confused, corrupt police and other difficulties …
  • 美国花花公子娱乐公司拍摄影片,基拉芦苇执行直头发深色的叫劳伦,年轻的女性,获取执行采访一小撮恋爱阅历,作为一种手段的生产调查纸,可她制造,关于性活跃人群数目已经被最近向她解释了作为穿透他们和执行在他们身上,仿佛有些神秘力量的故事 。
  • Two young schoolboys in a Mexican town cut class to go to a matinee. They are caught, grounded and almost expelled by from their school. Later, they accompany a truck driver to Mexico City, one boy as a stowaway. Their truck is soon hi-jacked by a team of highway pirates, and the boys are well on their way to an advent…
  • 故事关于人的激情与嫉妒,贪婪与欲望,根据一个模糊的当地传说改编。卢西亚诺(Luciano)生活在19世纪末20世纪初的偏远意大利村庄里,被斥为"疯子、贵族、圣人和醉汉"。因同掌权者与贵族的冲突被流放至火地岛,卢西亚诺在无情的淘金者及螃蟹的帮助下,寻找神秘的宝藏。然而,在这些贫瘠的土地上,只有贪婪和疯狂才能盛行。
  • This Spanish film explores one of the Carlist rebellions of the mid-19th century -- a period in that country's history which is little-known elsewhere. King Ferdinand VII changed Spain's laws to permit his daughter Isabella II to come to the throne. Many Spaniards objected to the idea of a woman on the throne, and sinc…
  • Mary is in a business trip and during a storm her car cracks up in the middle of the highway. She is picked up by a mental hospital's bus that takes her there but she cannot get out because everyone thinks she is mental sick.
  • 双胞胎兄弟玩
  • 转自:http://www.ilookmg.com/c002.asp?ID=107   《戰火浮生錄》從四段主線開始:一心醉心於音樂的德國鋼琴家,但卻成為德軍進入巴黎時軍樂隊隊長。原本擁有美好新婚生活,但是音樂家丈夫卻戰死在冰封大地的俄國芭蕾舞者。原本是爵士樂隊團員,但志願前往歐洲戰場勞軍的美國樂隊指揮。與丈夫與小孩被送入集中營,但只有自己生還的法籍猶太女…
  • 法兰西斯刚从监狱假释出来,但不幸地被卷入一桩谋杀案。他寻求出版社老板娘莉莎的帮忙;莉莎了解他是清白的,逐自愿替他引出真凶,将杀人犯绳之以法。