搜索 Simm

  • While waiting for their bus, five passengers have just had horrible nightmares and decide to tell them to each other to help killing time. A swimmer, who has lessons in a swimming pool with a dead swimmer, tells the first one. A young boy, who goes camping with two friends and a crazy man as a leader, is the next. Then…
  • Take a little trip through the streets of New Orleans.... Larry Shirt (David Jensen) is a taxi driver whose passengers are the city's hustlers, tourists, socialites, musicians, housekeepers, weirdos and reporters. Bobby Cohn (Richard Brien), Harvard student home from school and in the middle of a personal crisis, is on…
  • An affluent, middle-aged housewife in a failing marriage is romantically pursued by a young man while running errands in London.
  • 父爱母爱有时可以轰轰烈烈,但更多的是“润物无声",你可能没有感觉,但它一定存在。格洛瓦家原来只有女儿加米一个孩子,妈妈南希经营着镇上的小报,父亲吉姆为了晋升在不断学习,他一直是个求上进的好学生。在学校,加米有两个好朋友朱和布莱德,明年她将要按照父母的意愿去乔治·华盛顿科学学校,作为家里的独生女,她不能让父母失望。然…
  • 伊凡四世是16世纪最具禀赋的俄罗斯大公。影片以伊凡17岁时的加冕典礼这一宏大场面为开端。他英俊年少,踌躇满志,宣布为俄国带来新秩序,反对贵族。当莫斯科河岸谣传四起时,他在皇宫第一次会见民众。他一方面让人民相信他的智慧和治国能力,另一方面又怀疑自己的处境。他甚至怀疑库尔布斯基公爵图谋不轨。一场重病使他认清了心怀叵测的贵族,不…
  • 电影爱情
    爱子班尼特(亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊 Aaron Taylor-Johnson 饰)的意外身亡让身为父母的艾伦(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)和格蕾丝(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)痛不欲生,两人之间的关系也降到了冰点。在绝望的情绪弥漫了数月之久后,一个名叫罗斯(凯瑞·穆丽根 Carey Mulligan 饰)的女孩的出现打破了压抑的平静。 罗…
  • A law firm specialized in divorces must deal with several new divorce cases and personal crises in this erotic anthology. The first story is titled "An American She-Wolf in Tokyo". A once popular all-girl rock singer Loosha Wolf, who fronted the band "Loosha Wolf and the She-Hits", has a big problem…
  • 一个有自闭症的小孩亲眼目睹自己的父母被血腥的杀害后, 开始出现一种紧张性精神症状态, 一位好心的心理医生开始开导这个问题小孩...