- American Grit is a physical, military-based reality competition, hosted by wrestling superstar John Cena. 16 American contestants are divided into four teams of four, which are all lead by four separate American military service people. The four team leaders/coaches consist of an Army Ranger sniper, a Navy Seal team le…
- 10,000 BC is a British reality social experiment series follows 20 British people from all walks of life as they go back to the conditions of the Stone Age and try to survive two months in the wilderness. The candidates were prepared and monitored by Klint Janulis, an archaeologist and survival expert.
- Gene Simmons 欧美名噪一时的重金属摇滚艺术家,摇滚圈的新偶像,同时他也是出生在以色利海法后移民美国的犹太娱乐大亨,以 The Demon (魔王教父)著称,有一手绝活吉他,也是KISS乐队出色贝斯手,同时拥有地狱般重金属摇滚嘶吼的嗓音。即他在英国 Channel 4 制作的天主教会学校的真人秀 Rock School (摇滚学校)大红大紫之后,乘胜追击…
- Acrobat Eddie Marsh is in the army now. His first act is to become friendly with Kathryn Jones, the colonel's pretty daughter. Their romance hits a few snags, including disapproval from her father. Eddie's also plagued by fear of having an accident during his family's trapeze act in the army variety show, which also fe…
- Imbi is a bright and artistic girl coming of age in Estonia during World War II. She survives both the war and her ill-fated first crush on Hans, a German soldier. During the subsequent Soviet occupation of Estonia, she becomes a radio voice artist known for her ability to perfectly mimic animal voices. She is loyal to…