- LaurenPiercehasjustbecomethehigh-schoolTri-StateArcheryChampion.Afterthecompetition,LaurenandherteammateEmilyreturntotheirhotelroomforanightofirresponsiblecelebratorydrinkingthatgrowsintomore.WheninterruptedbyEmily’sabusiveboyfriend,LaurensnapsandbrutallybeatsDaniel.Laurenisthensentencedtoagirls’reformcampParadiseRidge…
- Vampires, who call themselves "The Gloaming," prepare for a massive uprising to take over the human race.
- When a mysterious force strikes a small town, everyone in utero at the time is born with extraordinary powers. As they grow from childhood to adulthood, they bring all the rivalries and alliances of childhood as they grow into a force that may one day change the world forever.