搜索 Sok

  • 嘿,好消息!大家喜欢的Playmobil公仔复活了,带大家踏上一段紧张刺激的寻宝之旅。和七岁的杰克,以及他的姊姊艾蜜莉,一起带着藏宝箱,驾驶海盗船,向海盗岛出发吧。那儿有许多宝藏,还有好奇古怪的生物。杰克和艾蜜莉能否比骷髅人和海盗快一步找到宝藏呢?
  • 电影剧情
    清洁公司职员益子悟(大野智 饰)、保险公司营销人员富泽友纪夫(樱井翔 饰)、咖啡厅店员棚田昭(相叶雅纪 饰)、快递公司速递员后藤望(松本润 饰)、保安中心派遣职员山际修司(二宫和也 饰),这五个生命中几乎没有任何交集的年轻人,却因一起意外事件而被绑在了一起。某天,他们同时出现在位于东京的能源生物公司大楼内,而一伙武装分子突…
  • Fifteen-part series from the life of the city. Hundreds of scenes from the life of the city. Thirty-four years of city life in a little over ten hours. The length of the film as such, Sokurov is multiplied on the calendar cycle of stories, trying to achieve and work towards the viewer's perception of a certain effect. …
  • The second film in the “Diary of St. Petersburg” documentary cycle is dedicated to the outstanding Soviet filmmaker Grigory Kosintsev, whose professional life was entirely devoted to the Lenfilm Studios. His flat is not far from the Studio…
  • This is one of the best Bosnian films, after No Man's Land and Welcome to Sarajevo. Directing is great, so is the cast. Nada Djurevska is the great actress, so if you have any chance to watch this film, don't miss it !
  • This diaristic documentary follows Sokly Ny, an under-priveledged and under-represented immigrant minority student, through his final year of high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ny, A.K.A. Don Bonus, provides commentary on his life, recounting the difficulty and triumph of his everyday experience. The drama buil…