- Augusto Matraga is a violent agressive farmer who after being betrayed by his wife and trapped by several enemies is bitten up and left for dead. He is rescued by a couple of humble small farmers who nurse him for a long time until he is well again. Influenced by the couple Augusto Matraga turns to a religiosity a long…
- 1995年,阪神大地震袭击日本。作为义工在灾区参加心理辅导援助活动的贺茂由香里(木村佳乃 饰)偶然邂逅一名神秘的女生,由香里从这个名叫森谷千寻(黑泽优 饰)的女孩身上惊奇的发现,她的体内竟然隐藏着12个人格。经过调查得知,千寻儿时因车祸丧生,灵魂飞出体外,身体却被孤魂野 鬼占据,成了名副其实的多重人格少女。随着调查深入,由香里…
- The degraded socio-economic condition of Argentina leading to the December 2001 rebellions, and its consequent social chaos analyzed by focusing on real people from Buenos Aires poorest shantytowns, crumbling hospitals, and women middle class farmers fighting multi national banks that are shamelessly appropriating thei…
- 1972, Milano. We are just a few days before the general elections. The daughter of a well-known professor is found dead. Mr Bizanti editor in chief of newspaper "Il Giornale", in agreement with its owner Mr. Montelli, decides to charge of following the story the junior Roveda and the senior Lauri. At one poin…