- Mimmi lives with her mother in an apart-ment on the edge of town. They won't be living together for much longer because Mimmi is about to take her final exams at school and will soon move out. Mimmi's mother is still young and sometimes wish-es Mimmi didn't need her so much and yet, at other times, that she needed her …
- Nine persons sign up for a self-awareness course at an isolated country estate. Dr. Romero, a charismatic therapist, and his assistants confront the patients with their problems. Cut off from the rest of the world, the participants are increasingly drawn into the therapy's spell. After a week, the unexpected occurs: Ro…
- 近四十年来,对于毒品的规则和政策一直都未变更过。然而最近的研究分析却得出了一个惊人的结论。比如酒精、有机溶剂与烟草(均为未归类的毒品)被评定比摇头丸、4-MTA(俗称“灵异丸”)和迷幻药(均为A级毒品)更危险。这可能会让你大跌眼镜,颠覆你对于毒品害处与法律分级之间联系的往日评断。如果按照现行的ABC级系统分级,酒精将被归为A级…