搜索 Sor

  • 一位母亲拿着已故女儿的娃娃作为媒介,与她的灵魂沟通,后果却令人毛骨悚然,本片为印度尼西亚电影《鬼娃》的续集
  • A young woman raised in the US returns to her birth country in Eastern Europe after a devastating tragedy. Questioning her sanity and her sexuality, she starts believing she possesses supernatural powers.
  • 电影生活
    小拓(Midori Tamate 饰)刚刚结束一段失败的恋情,尚且还处于失恋的痛苦之中的他决定前往日本北海道的一座小镇里旅游散心,在那里,他租了一间房子,过着离群索居的生活并且心情并没有因此而有所变好。一天,一个名叫欧(Adisorn Thanawanitch 饰)的男孩敲响了小拓家的房门。原来,欧是小拓的邻居,因为不小心将钥匙锁在家里了,无奈之下只得…
  • 若い女探偵が血の海の中で悶絶する、壮絶のソリッド・シチュエーション・エロチック・スリラー。元FBI捜査官の美人探偵が目を覚ますと、そこは謎の狭い地下室だった。あたりは暗く、首には鎖が巻かれていた。その場から脱出するには、目の前にぶらさがっている鍵を取らなくてはならなかったが、その為には耐え難い激痛と流血が必要だった。逃げ…
  • An Honest and hilarious look at the music industry through the eyes of an all girl rock band.
  • Something evil has come to Portland Oregon. Bodies, horribly mutilated, are being discovered around town. It is near midnight when Eden Sullivan is drawn out of bed, lured by a siren call originating across town from a strange house, the same house from her reoccurring dream. A few nights later it happens again; some n…
  • 和女友发生矛盾的男主角深夜驾车回家。Siri认为他情绪激动,不宜驾车,于是强行要求他转为自动驾驶状态,即,由Siri来掌控,随后男主没想到siri展开了一场复仇
  • The film is set in a Kurdish village in the mountains of Iran, close to the border with Iraq. Kak Saee has bought an old analog video camera to record the village life. Despite the opposition of some villagers and even of his own wife, he generally gets an enthusiastic support. Excited by his new mission, Kak Saee is o…