搜索 Sora

  • 电视剧剧情
  • Neenu and Bobby are introducing their parents on the night when Diwali lands on Halloween. Neenu wants to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights, & her nephew Jai wants to celebrate Halloween - the holiday of Horror. Everything goes wrong in this whimsical family comedy. The neighborhood kids get lost searching for P…
  • 电影生活
    凭《地中海》获1992年奥斯卡最佳外语片的意大利导演Gabriele Salvatores新作《西伯利亚教育》2013年2月28日意大利上映。改编自俄国作家Nicolai Lilin同名自传小说,John Malkovich、Arnas Fedaravičius主演。 故事发生在1985至1995十年间,在乌克兰与摩尔多瓦边界生活着一群不法之徒,他们有自己的生存与道德准则。电影讲述了主角Kolima…
  • 泰国2010年战争武打大片,根据真实历史事件改编:山田长政是来自日本的武士,16世纪在大城府战役后投诚于纳瑞宣国王。在经历对缅甸之战后,大城处于动荡状态,一队神秘杀手出没于大城。山田长政调查之后,证实这支神秘军队是一对日本武士组成的恐怖组织,山田长政这一次面对的是与自己家乡的武士,他要与之抗战到底。
  • 一位年輕女子欲展開新生活,但過去仍然糾纏著她。剛生子的蘿拉搬到法國西南部開民宿維生,充滿神秘感的她不但深深吸引了傑洛姆,傑洛姆向她求婚等她點頭下嫁!當冬天來臨,蘿拉的民宿正要歇業過冬,新出現的客人改變了一切。過去的惡夢再次糾纏蘿拉,她必須奮力維護自己和兒子的生命,找出威脅的來源!
  • A former army colonel comes from a village to live in the city with her daughters where he finds it hard to adapt with the modern life.
  • Pierre, 44, contentedly divorced, takes his teen daughter to the Côte d'Azur along with his friend Jacques and Jacques' own teen daughter, Françoise. On the topless beaches of Saint-Tropez, Jacques and Pierre discuss marriage and being par…
  • Anachronisms: The dress that Suzan Van Dyke wears during her duet performance with Aziz, is actually a 1920s fashion dress, whereas the movie is set in 1881. But, this might have been done on purpose as the style of duet that they are performing is considered a specific stage performance in Turkey and female performers…
  • Description: Ante and Dusko are two Dream Team players. Besides being a Croat and a Serb who fought on opposite sides in the war, both used to be volleyball players. Today, they live normal lives, one in a remote craggy region, the other in Banja Luka. There is little chance of them ever meeting again. The Internationa…
  • Lütfi Akad is one of the most important directors of Turkey, he gave our cinema very useful things, a lot of things started with his camera...he was different, he moved cinema from sets to streets, he gave to watchers real world,real peopl…