- 妻子過世後,文學教授因悲傷而鬱鬱寡歡。他試圖維持日常生活,卻徒勞地困在死亡的陰影裡。不論晝夜,妻子的形影始終縈繞不去;破碎難分的意識,如同夢遊者或鬼魂般,穿梭於拼貼跳躍的敘事中,在理智邊緣徘徊。眼前看似穩固的事物逐漸淡去,記憶與現實之間的界線越來越模糊……。
- Geronimo Jones (1970). Possibly Salzman's hardest hitting film, Geronimo is a Papago-Apache youth who has been given the gift of an amulet worn by his grandfather. In buying a birthday present for the grandfather, Geronimo trades the amulet for a TV, which he places before the grandfather. When Geronimo turns on the TV…