- The Frankenstein Brothers is a coming of age romantic comedy centered around the lives of twin brothers Luke and Corey Frankenstein. Orphaned at the age of five, the brothers inherited their family brewery and were raised on beer by their uncle Connor. Now, following their college graduation, Luke and Corey decide it’s…
- A rare, intimate glimpse into the life and mind of Jordan Peterson, the academic and best-selling author who captured the world's attention with his criticisms of political correctness and his life-changing philosophy on discovering personal meaning. Christened as the most influential public intellectual in the western…
- 这部名为《无路可逃》的电影跟踪拍摄了Blur乐队的排练场景及2009年夏季巡回演出。除此之外,观众还将在电影中看到一些从未公布过的乐队珍贵资料。Blur乐队最后一次以整齐阵容演出是在2000年,之后乐队解散,这伤透了无数歌迷的心。2008年12月,乐队宣布重组,并于2009年成功举行了一系列演唱会,让歌迷们大呼过瘾。在当年格拉斯顿伯里音乐节(G…