搜索 Spira

  • Il Complotto di Tirana
    Nel 2000 Oliviero Toscani accetta l’invito di Giancarlo Politi di Flash Art a curare una sezione della prima edizione della Biennale di Tirana. Il grande fotografo presenta quattro artisti scandalosi: pornografi, jihadisti, pedofili… In re…
  • Brett Gunner left the Secret Service behind him years ago, or so he thought. Called back into action when his family is taken hostage at gunpoint, Brett must crack an international drug ring that stretches from Eastern Europe to the Far East. Landing in Amsterdam, he turns into his former self, utilizing his special fo…
  • Seven years ago director Sheldon Wilson set out to tell a story involving crooked cops, a mafia Godfather, murder, a public poisoning, Elvis Presley, prison gang leaders and a cocaine-addicted newspaper editor who printed it all. As it turns out, this was just the beginning of the story. ONCE UPON A CRIME: The Borrelli…
  • 电影
    蒋宣(文卓 饰)和孟微微(朱家希 饰)在一间酒吧里相识,情投意合的他们很快就看对了眼,走到了一起。随着时间的推移,两人之间的感情持续升温,最终,他们决定同居。在蒋宣的姐姐的介绍下,蒋宣和孟微微搬进了出租屋,让两人感到十分诡异的是,在出租屋里,有一把非常不合时宜的存在的红色油纸伞。一天夜里,蒋宣和孟微微终于经不起好奇心的诱…
  • In November 1916, German raider SMS Wolf set out for a 15 months long voyage through the oceans finally reaching Australia and Papua New Guinea. The mission of this ship which was perfectly masked as merchant vessel: capture, sink or destroy allied shipping. Sailing under the flag of Imperial German Navy, Captain Karl-…
  • 女孩奥德蕾的失踪案牵动着法尔考的心,同时,他的前妻和女儿也亟需他的支持。好友舍隆身陷牢狱,法尔考能否还好友清白…
  • Who runs the world? Is there a shadow world of powerful and elite men pulling the strings of our global society? If so, when did it originate and why? What is the real significance of Rosslyn Chapel? What were the Templars, Assassins, Druids, Augurs, Sufi's and many more really planning for all of mankind? Angels, Demo…