- An 8 part BBC series nostaligiafest showing archive clips of songs from the 1980s performed on various TV shows of the day, linked together with short clips from some iconic 80s TV shows. This series was originally broadcast in 1995, and repeated in (and capped from) digital by BBc4 in May/June/July 2006.
- 当冬天的寒冷正悄然褪去,鸟儿欢快的歌声预示着春天的到来。依然被白雪覆盖的森林里,迫人的雾气四溢弥漫,鸟儿们叫响了森林的清晨,它们来到小木屋的窗前,沉睡的老人哈尔克被小家伙们唤醒,微笑地看着这群每天准时前来的小家伙。老人起床,穿戴整齐,拿出谷物撒到地上,鸟儿们快乐地落下来饱餐一顿,惬意舒适。就在此时,从大雾的深处走来一位…