- 東京郊外を走る国道16号線沿いの街を舞台に、万引き・援交に走る女子高生や親の仕送りを受けながら合コンに励むニートなど、"まともに見えてどこか変"な現代日本人の姿をブラックユーモアたっぷりに描いた群像劇。長編監督デビュー作「LOVEHOTELS/ラヴホテルズ」で注目を集めた村松亮太郎監督がメガホンを取り、キャストには神田沙也…
- "Last Hippie Standing" is a video clip style portrait about the hippie generation. Thirty years ago, this was a movement which came to Goa to find something they couldn't find at home. Many returned, a few stayed. Goa, the hippie paradise of the 60's is our point where we start to search for "the last hi…
- A group of theatre-goers wait in line to see a show by the "Man of a Thousand Faces". Throughout the film they encounter an elderly woman, and a Rastafarian man.