搜索 Stepán

  • 亚美尼亚经典爱情片。Sergei dynasties from the celebrated Shitovyh falls in love with Anyu. She is married. Sergei leads her parent in the house. About how established their relations.The film is about love, about complex human relationships in a…
  • 一个英军预备役少校和一个经验丰富的上尉带领一队散漫的新兵去执行一项自杀性任务:彻底摧毁一个位于德占法国的德军船坞。 影片基于真实故事,一队皇家海军由潜艇送到法国吉伦特河口,他们从那里开始划小艇去进攻所谓“攻不破”的港口 - 波尔多港[三天航程]。他们完成了炸毁德军军舰和货轮的任务,下面的问题是他们如何逃脱...
  • A humorous snippet of everyday life in a Ukrainian city enacted by passengers from all walks of life stuffed into a packed streetcar.Awards:- Molodist International Film Festival (2002) - Audience Award- Krok International Animated Films Festival (2002) - Grand Prix- FIKE - Évora International Short Film Festival (2002…
  • 一部大胆描写人与马之间七情六欲的奇作,1993年戛纳最佳技术贡献大奖得主。 法国1993年巴塔巴斯(Bartabas)执导的电影处女作,描写人与马之间的情感,甚至大胆暗示人马之间的七情六欲,1993年在戛纳电影节放映大受争议,最后该片亦获得戛纳电影节技术贡献大奖的殊荣!
  • 《小安妮》出自乌克兰诗电影代表人物鲍里斯·伊夫琴科之手,同样也是以卫国战争为背景,讲述了一段战争时期刻骨铭心的爱情故事。片中颇多神秘主义色彩,其中有许多在教堂举行祭仪前的场景,向观众传递出强烈、神秘的东正教氛围。不过《小安妮》中展现的基辅城市景色并不多,更多的选景是以基辅周遭的乡村为主,在这样的场景下似乎也更加容易展开…
  • One of the few (if any at the time this film was made) films shot in England with New York City's 'Little Italy" as the locale. This was Edward Dmytryk's first film after he had refused to tell a Congressional Committee whether or not he was, or had ever been, a member of the Communist Party. This is a 'runaway pr…
  • 一位少先队员,因拒绝为德军演奏德国歌曲被杀害。
  • The hero of the popular fairy tale is a young prince who, after the death of parents out into the world. During his journey to learn about the magical talking horse and falls in love with a beautiful princess celebration. On the advice of his horse obliges one eye, pretending dumbness and enters the service of the cast…
  • 讲述了一位母亲在二战前后的困苦生活。