- 理查德·林克莱特新片已在前期筹备中!新作背景设置在1969年夏天,将以孩童视角切入,融入富有时代感的配乐,描述人类登月的那一历史性瞬间。林克莱特表示,“休斯顿曾拥有太多东西:NASA、医疗中心、阿斯托洛体育场。那里有种共同的氛围,所有孩子的父母都是为了共同目标为NASA工作。”目前林克莱特通过休斯顿电影委员会,对大众发出号召,寻求…
- Statement from the producers of Betty White: A Celebration, Steve Boettcher and Mike Trinklein: Our hearts mourn today with the passing of Betty White. During the many years we worked with her, we developed a great love and admiration for Betty as a person, and as an accomplished entertainer. We are thankful for the ma…
- Follows the story of Abu Zubaydah, the first high-value detainee subjected to the CIA's program, later identified as torture by those outside the agency.
- Danny loves trolling indie films online. When a voice named Control hijacks his computer, Danny is sent to an isolated abandoned mansion to unravel a mystery that could make him a millionaire.
- 《Bright Lights》长达95分钟,将带领观众走近费雪与母亲雷诺斯的日常生活,纪录了她们在2014年至2015年间的故事,从费雪开拍《星球大战:原力觉醒》直至雷诺斯去年荣获演员工会终身成就奖。同样年少成名的母女二人在好莱坞的浮华世界中生活了一辈子,曾经有过不合如今却比邻而居情似闺蜜,平日里斗嘴不断又相互照顾,镜头捕捉了她们生前令人感…