搜索 Stijn

  • Laundry Man is the story about a rather clumsy serial killer. It is partly based on the crimes committed by American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and those committed by the Belgian-Hungarian pastor Andras Pandy.
  • http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/iqql9IoRl4I/
  • 1969. Man is about to set foot on the moon but Caro, a nine year-old girl living on a pig farm, refuses to countenance such nonsense. If people can fly to the moon this year, then heaven will be next and God would never allow that to happen. Her religious father Mees is even more worried. He must cope with modern-day t…
  • 女大学生艾伦聪明、漂亮,刚刚毕业,前途一片光明,但她却选择了独自到寒冷而荒凉的北极去生活一年,在那里她遇到了狩猎者拉尔斯。当北极熊到来时,拉尔斯决定照顾艾伦的生活,艾伦教拉尔斯英语和做家务,而拉尔斯教艾伦打海豹、剥海豹皮,艾伦逐渐意识到狩猎海豹并不是残忍的犯罪行为,而是在艰苦环境中生存所必须的。当极夜到来时,整个北极笼…
  • 电影剧情
  • STAGES is a film about Roos and Martin, who are divorced but haven't become detached yet. When their 17-year old son Isaac withdraws ever deeper into silent isolation, they try to find a solution. Their attempts to find a solution for Isaac fail due to their frustrations from the past and their inability to listen to o…
  • Qui n’a jamais entendu parler de Sœur Sourire ?Jeannine Deckers, alias Sœur Sourire, est devenue un mythe international avec ses deux millions d'albums vendus en 1963 et cette chanson Dominique, qui a plané au-dessus des Beatles ou d'Elvi…
  • a fragmented portrayal of three homeless young adults who are heading to southern Europe in search of money, love and happiness.