搜索 Still

  • 电影剧情
  • based on Herman Bang's novel Mikael, Vingarne is a silent melodrama about an artist's love for his newfound male model. Radically, the film opens with director Stiller and his cinematographer coming across a sensual staue of Icarus in the gardens in Stockholm. Then the movie proper begins, with artist Claude Zoret stru…
  • Javier Fesser为plus.es制作的14个系列短片:Capitulo 1: El gran salto;Capitulo 2: El Chute - The Director´s Cut;Capitulo 3: El Choque;Capitulo 4: El Susto;Capitulo 5: La Duda;Capitulo 6: El Cruce;Capitulo 7: La Cima;Capitulo 8: La Vaquita;Capitul…
  • In a futuristic world where women rule the planet and men are traded and sold like cars. Two men, who are rendered obsolete by a new clone line that promises to be superior lovers and better listeners, escape in search of finding their manhood by reaching a guy heaven known as 'Mantopia.'
  • Starbucks baristas shed their aprons and everything else to make your fantasies a reality.
  • 影片讲述一位退伍军人想要重新融入社会的故事,经年的作战除了让他拥有杀人的能力之外,实在没有赋予他人和谋生技能。他拒绝诱惑不肯随“正常”大队打家劫舍,于是开起出租上起夜校憧憬美好生活......
  • A square magnet skitters across a bare courtyard, watched by a puppet from the window. It gradually attracts iron filings, which progressively coat the entire exterior of the building.The puppet turns from the window and looks in a bowl on the table in front of him. It is also full of iron filings, swaying in a similar…