- 夏莫的女儿迪娜不情愿地继承了她母亲的超能力,能看穿别人的灵魂,直面人们心中最不愿回忆起的往事。然而这一异能也给母女二人带来意料不到的危险处境,国王及王后遭到谋杀,王室岌岌可危,拥有“羞辱者”异能的母女被下令查出事实。随着阴谋逐渐浮出水面,迪娜却发现自己与母亲如待宰羔羊一般,早已深陷泥淖。面对王室权力的残忍厮杀,迪娜将如…
- DarkSpellisastoryaboutthegirlnamedZhenyawhosuffersfrombeinginlovewithherhusbandthathaslefther,soshedecidestobringhimback.Desperateheroinecastsaspellcalled"BlackWedding",whichisamagicalritualknownforitsgreatpowerandirreversibility.Aftertheritual,herbelovedhusbandcomesback,althoughhislovebecomesmorelikeanobsess…
- In the midst of moving out from her long-overdue student flat, Maja’s evening takes a surprising turn when she stumbles upon an old relative who is without a doubt, dead.
- Jakov invites his old friend Petar, who lives abroad, to be the godfather at his daughter's baptism. His arrival awakens deeply suppressed memories of their relationship, and Petar fails to resist his temptation and secretly tries to reach Jakov, who's aware that he has taken a false identity in order to assimilate int…