- 大断电之后,复制人在全世界遭到了谴责非难,当局立法无限制禁止复制人生产,泰勒公司也宣告破产。2020年代中期,地球生态系统崩解,掌握着合成农业技术的Niander迅速崛起,在收购了泰瑞公司资产后,开始了新型复制人的生产。为了取消复制人生产的禁令,Niander决定向司法部门展示新一代复制人的“忠诚”……
- Carol, an emotionally repressed woman, loses friends and alienates people when she begins singing songs she wrote about people she knows. But she unexpectedly inspires her boss, to whom she dedicated the song Asshole Dave, to resurrect his dreams of becoming a rock star. As Dave flounders, Carol continues to hone her c…
- Chick Strand's SOFT FICTION is a personal documentary that brilliantly portrays the survival power of female sensuality. It combines the documentary approach with a sensuous lyrical expressionism. Strand focuses her camera on people talking about their own experience, capturing subtle nuances in facial expressions and …