搜索 Streets

  • 解放前的旧上海,大资本家、军阀、投机商人、洋人、流氓、骗子横行于世,他们过着养尊处优、挥金如土的腐败日子,而底层人民则穷苦不堪,生活艰辛。 大头、圆鼻子、三根头发、瘦小身材,这个外貌滑稽的男孩就是本片的主人公三毛(王龙基 饰)。三毛自幼失去父母,无依无靠的他终日在上海街头流浪,身无分文的他饿极了甚至吃刷广告的浆糊,困了就…
  • Niagara Falls has forever been masked behind the neon lights and the thunderous water of dreams and fantasy. "Streets of Wonderland" strips away those facades and shows the city in a truthful light. Not everyone is winning big at the Casino, and not everyone is profiting off of the millions of tourists that f…
  • Immediately upon being released from prison, Michael Labou finds himself pulled back into 'The Organization' - An International Crime Syndicate in the midst of a supernatural war between Vampires, Demons, Zombies, and Werewolves...all fighting for control of a powerful artifact that could hold the power to destroy them…
  • Я шагаю по Москве  年轻的维修工瓦洛佳在送殉职的同事回乡的路上,绕道莫斯科停留一天,以便同《青年》杂志社的编辑见面。瓦洛佳在《青年》杂志发表了自己的第一篇作品。这一天瓦洛佳结识了新朋友,两个莫斯科青年,高利亚和萨沙,并遇到了年轻姑娘莲卡……
  • 电影生活
    少年北村英明(佐々木英明 饰)生活在一个充满绝望、腐烂气息的家庭中。48岁的父亲(斎藤正治 饰)曾是陆军的上等兵,退伍后整天呆在家里无所事事,沉湎于自渎的堕落快感中;祖母(田中筆子 饰)老年痴呆,不问家务,还有偷窃的毛病;妹妹(小林由起子 饰)与周围的人完全没有交流,却和心爱的兔子发展出异乎寻常的亲密关系。校足球队的教练近江…
  • 电影
  • 电视剧剧情
  • "It’s a black-and-white record of European cities in the dark (2-5am), from Basle to Belfast. Quiet, and meditative, what emerges most strongly is an eerie sense of city landscapes as deserted film sets, in which the desolate architec…