- This is the story of a young boy's initation into life. The setting is a small town in the Philippines. And although the story revolves around Filipinos, the events have a certain kind of universality in the sense that we are all too human: subject to the same blind prejudices, gripping emotions and baffling tribulatio…
- ¡Hay motivo! es una serie de 32 cortometrajes producidos en febrero de 2004 y proyectados a partir del 9 de marzo en los que se critican diversos aspectos de la realidad social española y, sobre todo, al gobierno del Partido Popular en dis…
- This story takes place in Dry Valley, a village owned by the noble family of Khrushevs. We see it with the eyes of Natalia, young and naive girl who serves in their country house. We share her love, dedication to her masters, mystical experience, exile, betrayal and faith, which come one after another, while the Dry Va…