搜索 Stu

  • 霍莉和盖伊在一个尴尬的夜晚相遇了,这是一个关键的时刻——堵车时间点。这个是一个特殊的地方,他们被困在车上,在相熟的过程中,意识到了彼此都是吝啬鬼,而一场特殊交通案件怎样让他们两个都开始发生改变。
  • 这部风趣幽默的动画MV,是继首部动画作品《GoGoGo!!!》之后,由Animetaste“冰糖葫芦儿”集体动画项目组创作的第二部作品。作品集结了十八组动画人共同完成,是迄今为止Animetaste人数最多的一次合力之作。在充满调侃讽刺的情节设置下,短片用说唱的方式,把“梦想到底能不能照进现实”这一命题着实戏谑了一把。   故事从一枚掉落的大椰子…
  • 兩名男子在晚會上相遇,一拍即合,共度了一個晚上。當他們在早上醒來,繼續聊天,逐漸發現一些其他人可能還沒有準備好處理的事情。
  • Though only a minute in length, Adam Elliot’s first student film, the hand-drawn ‘Human Behavioural Studies, Series One’ (1996), is like a calling card for the Australian animator, laying out in its three remarkably compressed character s…
  • 在接到一通意外的电话后,姐姐劳拉(Karmine Alers 饰)和弟弟艾略特(Ryan Vigilant 饰)赶回乡间别墅,准备接病入膏肓的母亲回纽约治疗。然而他们发现别墅已然入住了一位年轻英俊的看守人泰德(Benjamin Weaver 饰)。母亲由于政坛丑闻从无限风光跌落,开始平和的面对死亡。她希望子女能追逐梦想,过自己想过的生活。然而劳拉的婚姻正面临触礁…
  • The legendary drummers for James Brown, funk masters Clyde Stubblefield and John Jab'o Starks focus on the grooves they made famous, in the songs:Cold Sweat, Funky Drummer, I Got the Feelin', Mother Popcorn, Give It Up or Turnit a Loose, Licking Stick, Sex Machine, Super Bad, Make It Funky and Doing It to DeathThey dem…
  • Three strangers meet in a bar. And talk about children, Thailand and the Latin names of fish.A theatre ensemble celebrating their final show is more or less taking over the pub. The regulars feel pushed out of the way. A great mix of characters crowding together and amusing conversations in a film as bang on target as …