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  • 电影科幻
    战地记者麦特·艾尔曼(塔莫·潘尼凯 Tahmoh Penikett_dollhouse 饰)结束了多年在枪林弹雨中穿梭的危险生活,决定选择安静的生活。在新加坡某个狂欢派对上,麦特打算向女友杰希·麦卡兰(劳拉·范德芙特 Laura Vandervoort 饰)求爱,却遭遇一场突如其来的惨祸,二人双双死于人肉炸弹制造的爆炸中。不知过了多久,麦特再次醒来,却发现自己到了…
  • 两个主演分别是COD4使命召唤里Cpt. Price的配音Billy Murray和Gaz的配音Craig Fairbrass 所以我一定要看
  • It is based on an actor's journey in front and behind the lens who promises action and an offbeat sense of humor.
  • 卢西亚诺Luciano(丹尼尔·恩德莱尔饰)正在生日聚会上忙碌,修改他的第一部电影剧本时,他的老朋友曼努埃尔Manuel(瓦尔特·雅各布饰)带着女儿索菲娅Sofia(哈丝明·斯图亚特饰)从西班牙回来做名为“妄想狂”的TV秀。然而,曼努埃尔和表面呈现给别人的不一样,他正在尝试求助于女人来获得成功,但这使得矛盾更加激化。当曼努埃尔必须旅行,把…
  • 地圖不僅是土地的地理資料呈現而已;它同時也是一張圖像,隱含多重涵義,忠實呈現了社會的政治、宗教與文化的願景。本系列敘述地圖的故事,以及地圖孕然成形的背後功臣,深入探討歷史上舉足輕重的地圖,它們如何左右人類的世界觀,甚至影響文明史的發展。每一子集都針對一張特定的地圖,娓娓道來其曲折離奇的繪製過程,並觸及地圖史上相互關聯的…
  • Alexander Payne果真拍过?Playboy does to softcore sex films what HBO's Tales from the Crypt did for horror. Contains the stories: "Dogs Playing Poker"; "The Branding"; "The Portal"; "The Perfect Woman";…
  • It's Tulsa, Oklahoma at the start of the oil boom and Cherokee Lansing's rancher father is killed in a fight with the Tanner Oil Company. Cherokee plans revenge by bringing in her own wells with the help of oil expert Brad Brady and childhood friend Jim Redbird. When the oil and the money start gushing in, both Brad an…
  • A small British colony is invaded by its Communist neighbour. Newly elected female President of the United States, Barbara Adams, tried to sort out the mess but the British under the leader of PM Sir Mortimer Chris sends in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, General Mosquera, leader of the Communist c…
  • 三个渴望了解性的高中姐妹,将自己的教育掌握在自己手中。当生活给了他们满足食欲的机会时,现实会辜负幻想吗?