- 在遥远的未知的类地行星上,有着类似于地球的文明存在。但和地球不同,居住在这颗行星上的生物多种多样。受上级领导指派,摄影怪来到凯旋路第四居民研究管理司拍摄一部内部参考资料片。研究所工作人员小史负责接待工作。刚一到,就遇到了一场工作人员和上访群众之间的争执。令人十分惊异的是,“上访群众”竟然是一个百年行尸,而工作人员则是有…
- 《恋离飞翼》剧情紧接着《虚空歌姬》,时间大约为第一部完结之后1个月,故事描述了主人公早乙女阿尔特他们与不明宇宙生物“Vajra”之间最后的战役。对于很多fans有所不满的“双飞”恋情,在本作中也将画上句号。阿尔特将在两位女主角——雪莉露·诺姆和兰卡之间做出一个选择。《剧场版 MacrossF》在当初制作时就预备做成上下两部,所以这部剧场…
- FX开始开发《54俱乐部:美国罪案故事 Studio 54: American Crime Story》,作为「美罪」系列潜在的第四季选择。 《54俱乐部》聚焦Steve Rubell 和 Ian Schrager的故事。两人将他们曼哈顿中城的迪斯科舞厅变成了富人、名人和普通人的国际化夜生活圣地。这个舞厅以奢华的派对、音乐、性和公开吸毒而闻名。在Rubell和Schrager迅速崛…
- A euphoric record of Sheffield-based Studio Electrophonique, which nurtured a generation of superstars such as ABC, The Human League, Heaven 17, Clock DVA and Pulp. Ken Patten was a panel beater who sported a rakish moustache and had a passion for music. He built his own creative universe in the downstairs extension of…
- Artwork Ukrainian artist collective Photinus Studio created an online performance where all participants become one malleable body and documented it in video. To maintain contact with one another and continue practicing their art through an extended period of self-isolation, the participants of Photinus Studio devised …
- ‘The Big Short’ Writer Developing Present-Day Civil War Drama For Amazon